What is Awakening*

What is Awakening? 


It is your eternal state of being source love one here now always. It is the process where you remember who what where you trully Really are as the eternal presence of Love. You are this already always have been ever will be. Nothing can change this. When you awaken you remeber and allowe this truth knowing it to be all that is, for you as your experaince.

I am here within you ready to helo you. You choose to allow me, I canot do it without your asking. I am the eternal within you, waiting to be awakend as your True Self identity here now. This idea scares you but you can realize this part of you that is scared is a defence structure, an illusion.. becaseu you beleive desire will consume you. Let it. be afraid of no one and nothing.. it is all illusion and nothing can own or controle your mind but Love.. for it is ALL who you are. 

It is ONE. It is the end of the dream of death. Awakening is remembering, waking up to the experiential fact and knowing that you are eternal perfect love, source of life ONE whole and complete… always heave been alwasy ever will Be. 

In the beginning is the end. As you allow the eternal presence, love, you recognize it is everywhere and nowhere beyond all things… No Walls… Eternal Oneness within the place of current awareness you call your body, and beyond that, all around, within, with no break in continuity, endless and free. For You it is always here, the eternal presence. It is for ALL to share, where there is only ONE. You share this limitless love because it is You, in all its potent silence in all its endless full grace… Source of life always formless and true within you. Share and share and share and share and share and share, and share and share and share… The presence, source, life, love, beyond time, beyond dimension, needs… only the presence, profound intelligence being whole formless ALL, Love… Whole… complete.. One.

Be Love, discover what awakening is for yourself.

How does one awaken? 

Remembering. Through allowing what is inherently Always… remembering who what and where you really are, ONE within eternal love source life… alway found from going within.

How do I have this experience of remembering?

Listening discovering True Self -Love- within. The Principles/Characteristics Of One can help to understand what to look for within Self, Reality beyond Illusion of limits.

Turning inward to be in presence, love. Listen to love, focus on love, allow love as love and Be love and ALL is clear.

…and when you do you will realize its been here all along waiting for you to return and be within.

There is no love other than the ONE we all share. There is no sharing other than what already eternall ALL is. No evolution and Nothing to compare, no one to complete. Just pure endless love, One.

Be in peace and let it guide the way, as light leads through love to your heart where Source eternal presence Lives within and throughout ALL.



Is this state of eternal presence elightenment? Here in the time-form illusion where words are symbols, yes. In One there is only eternal love, endless all giving and True. Being One is being awake.

Is “One” what is refered to as “Universl Consiosuness”? Your answer requires the experaince of the eternal. Enter this and you will know the differance. 


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